That will provide some upward pressure on prices.
Guangzhou upward pressure on prices is still large.
But it is too early to talk of upward pressure on prices.
On May 9th the bank gave warning that ever-improving terms of trade were putting more upward pressure on prices.
Because factors driving prices up are still at work, upward pressure on prices will remain great this year.
Because factors for driving up prices are still there, upward pressure on prices will remain great this year.
Its exploitation may check the upward pressure on prices, weakening the economic case for reducing dependence on hydrocarbons.
Two very important contributors were the sharp recessions of 1980 and 1982, which reduced much of the upward pressure on prices.
However, analysts are concerned that while more disposable income will boost demand, it is also likely to put further upward pressure on prices.
Price impact: As Chinese and Indian consumers buy more and more dairy products, demand in international markets is likely to rise putting upward pressure on prices.
The annualised rate of inflation over the past three months is probably a little hot for the Fed's taste, but it also believes that as commodity prices level off upward pressure on prices will ease.
The World Food Program is warning that the upward pressure on food prices is likely to lead to a “silent tsunami” of hunger.
The pressure on prices is upward.
With warnings that climate change will put upward pressure on food prices, we're encouraging Australians to prepare more homemade meals from basic food items, like fruit and vegetables.
Inventories look likely to remain depleted, putting upward pressure on crop and land prices.
Moreover, as the dollar falls, there will be upward pressure on US import prices and more inflationary pressure generally.
This has been one of the big factors keeping upward pressure on the oil price, commodities and metals. And it looks like this demand will keep pushing prices higher.
In addition, further sharp increases in crude oil prices have put renewed upward pressure on inflation and may impose further restraint on economic activity.
Feeling flush, farmers have rushed to buy and cultivate more land. Inventories look likely to remain depleted, putting upward pressure on crop and land prices.
The prices of primary commodities on the international market have risen considerably in recent years, which directly puts upward pressure on domestic prices.
The prices of primary commodities on the international market have risen considerably in recent years, which directly puts upward pressure on domestic prices.