The urge to survive drove them on.
Anticipating a better grade on the following morning exam, a student can ignore the limbic urge to socialise and go to sleep early instead.
Another urge or need that these gardens appear to respond to, or to arise from is so intrinsic that we are barely ever conscious of its abiding claims on us.
We've had economists visit, and when we do the class on economics, I'll urge you to listen to that particular podcast.
The urge would no doubt be greater if you were living on the streets with little food and money.
We should constantly urge ourselves on to study hard.
When you spill red wine on your white blouse — or anything else for that matter — resist the urge to run to bathroom and splash cold water on it.
Borenstein and Burke said that they hope APA members will look for the show on a public broadcasting station near them and urge their local station to air the show if it is not already.
China's critics today, on the other hand, urge Mr Obama to slap a tariff on Chinese goods alone. This will reduce the demand for Chinese imports, which constitute about 15% of America's total.
Washington would do better to urge China's leaders to focus on their lack of preparation to assume their proper role in the word's financial order, rather than to demand any supposedly quick fix.
A Sprint video on YouTube USES ridicule and humor to urge people to recycle their cell phones.
The success of this program depends on its participants, and I urge you to join and to encourage others to do the same.
Get your team to resist this urge by incorporating what you know about the system and its users early on.
He told them to press a button with either their right or left index fingers whenever they felt the urge and to remember the letter that was showing on the screen when they made the decision.
He told them to press a button with either their right or left index fingers whenever they felt the urge, and to remember the letter that was showing on the screen when they made the decision.
Do you and your readers have any advice on overcoming the urge to just give up?
TIP: If you have an excessive urge to check on your kids, have a frank talk with them and look for a solution.
Washington would do better to urge China's leaders to focus on their lack of preparation to assume their proper role in the world's financial order, rather than to demand any supposedly quick fix.
If you feel the urge to start working on it, hold yourself back until the 15 minutes are over.
The Civil War does not provide an especially encouraging model in this regard, especially if the crimes go largely unnoticed beneath the natural urge to forget and move on.
Card fraud remains a problem in the UK and identity theft is on the rise, so we urge (people)... to take extra care of their belongings.
Whereas policymakers have been scurrying from conference to conference to urge the world on towards a green future, investors have been walking away from it.
He had just started to feel better, when another urge came on. This one sounded like a diesel engine revving, and smelled worse.
Before I move on, I'm just going to put on the board another cycle, and I'm going to urge you to work through that on your own.
Before I move on, I'm just going to put on the board another cycle, and I'm going to urge you to work through that on your own.