Toronto, Canada: Will China stop purchasing US treasury bond, triggering further devaluation of USD?
After the revised statistics, China have hold 895 billion dollars US Treasury bond till the end of last year.
Because there is as yet no reliable and liquid bond market in the emerging world to flee to, scared investors put their money into us Treasury bonds and a few other rich-country havens instead.
However, Beijing knows that if it abruptly withdrew support from the us Treasury bond market, China would be one of the biggest losers because of the drop in the value of its huge remaining holdings.
One year ago we predicted that US long bond rates would rise. This is exactly what happened and the 30 year Treasury Bond yield went from 2.5% to 4.6% during the year.
Moreover, the long-term interest rates of leading countries are falling, not rising: in the US, 10-year Treasury bond rates are 3 per cent.
Mr Bond estimates current central bank bond buying has cut 10-year US Treasury yields by between 50 and 100 basis points.
“It turned out that only two markets were truly liquid: German-bond and US-Treasury futures,” says Manoj Pradhan, a fixed-income analyst at Morgan Stanley.
“It turned out that only two markets were truly liquid: German-bond and US-Treasury futures, ” says Manoj Pradhan, a fixed-income analyst at Morgan Stanley.
World equity markets began 2006 in bullish mood, while the dollar and Treasury bond yields softened amid expectations that US interest rates could be near to the top of the current cycle.
The yield on the 10-year US Treasury, meanwhile, jumped from a low of 1.32 per cent in July to more than 2.5 per cent, as bond investors contemplate faster economic growth and higher rates ahead.
Since the Fed is determined to print $1 trillion to buy back its Treasury bonds, the US' bond market will not suffer much if China indeed sells some of the bonds it holds.
Since the Fed is determined to print $1 trillion to buy back its Treasury bonds, the US' bond market will not suffer much if China indeed sells some of the bonds it holds.