Russian, Indian and British frigates have recently defended ships under pirate attack and Denmark and the us also have provided assistance in the gulf.
The news comes as US defence firm Lockheed Martin admitted it came under a significant cyber attack last week.
The air strike was ordered after a US Marine base in the Nazwad district of Helmand province came under attack on Sunday.
And for all that, the attacks against us naturally increased, to a level where it became impossible to go out in your vehicle without having your patrol under attack at least once.
If we're ever attacked, (providing America isn't under attack too), we can expect well over a million men, a few thousand tanks, and the aircraft stationed at the American Airbases here to defend us.
US defence firm Lockheed Martin says it has come under a significant cyber-attack, which took place last week.
US defence firm Lockheed Martin says it has come under a significant cyber-attack, which took place last week.