F your photo is not online, click "Upload" and browse for the image on your computer's hard drive or connected device, such as a digital camera, USB card reader, or flash drive.
The camera still shoots at 720p with a fixed optical zoom (but 2X digital) lens and attaches directly through its own USB connector.
Now we see a large number of computer peripherals using USB around us, such as keyboard, mouse, modem, printer, scanner, digital camera, video CAM and removable storage device etc.
This is a digital camera. It's actually a storage media, with a LCD display and USB Interfaces, and functions such as storage, tuning, digital zoom.
CMOS digital image sensor and PIC18F4550 micro-controller with USB bus are applied to this sys - tem instead of the analog CCD camera to realize the digital acquisition and intelligent transmission.
系统运用CMOS数字图像传感器取代模拟CCD摄像机,采用带有usb总线的PIC18 F 4550单片机来控制和传输数据,实现了视觉检测前端数据采集与传输的数字化、智能化。
The system can drive digital cameras and MOs through USB interface and it can read out the photos from digital camera then store them on MO disk directly.
More and more USB based peripheral appeared, such as digital camera, scanner, mouse and etc.
The 3rd Generation outdoor flash light Additionally add a new function-usb Charging output port, it can supply power Anytime and anywhere when you use digital camera, cell phone outdoors.
The 3rd Generation outdoor flash light Additionally add a new function-usb Charging output port, it can supply power Anytime and anywhere when you use digital camera, cell phone outdoors.