But does a value (significantly) less than 1 mean the developers didn't do a good job of adopting use-case-driven development?
But generally, this type of information, and thus the related test cases, should be generated later in the development process than is done with those tests driven by a use case.
If you do use-case driven development, a usage scenario is typically an instance of a complete use case scenario, or a portion of the use case scenario.
In a typical use case, the flow of activity is driven by the interaction of a particular actor with the system toward the execution of a specific goal (for example, "managing a water-health sample").
With use case-driven development, each test level USES a different grouping of artifacts, which AIDS in keeping the test within the appropriate boundaries for the phase.
Now that it's time to begin iterating on the design, the book describes two different options — Use case or Feature-driven development — and discusses when one approach is better than the other.
You can certainly gain incremental improvements by adopting use case driven development or by using visual models.
Static testing of the use case can be driven by a checklist, and levels of scrutiny should involve testers.
In implementing the code for this tutorial, you see more extensive use of the model-driven approach than was the case in the earlier tutorials.
Also, if you've chosen to take a use case-driven approach, then you obviously need tools that support development of use cases.
The more black box, work-stream driven the test organization is, the more effectively primary use case documents can be applied to sizing.
Whether it is necessary to code responsibilities in other layers will be driven mainly by the system's architectural style and design decisions made during the use-case realization session.
Given its RUP roots, it provides a process that is iterative and incremental, use-case driven, risk-driven, and architecture-centric, which at the same time supports the work habits of agile projects.
This is a typical use case for any asynchronous, event-driven UI.
To their credit, the authors applied best practices -- use-case driven development, focusing on architecture, frequent testing, and iterative development -- to offset many of these project risks.
This is the iterative, use case driven approach at work.
Please refer to Rational SOMA itself for information regarding the Use Case Driven Business Modeling practice.
The use case extends link may be appropriate to support event-driven architecture concepts.
Rhapsody is a round-trip model driven solution and supports capturing the project requirements using requirements diagrams, use-case diagrams, sequence diagrams, activity diagrams and state charts.
Generally, test case creation from a use case-driven method involves four basic steps.
Eric Evans, author of "Domain Driven Design", once asked what the difference was between a scenario and a use case.
As a process framework, RUP is iterative, architecture-centric, and use-case driven. This is incorporated into the six RUP principles.
Introduced by Gustov Karner in 1992, the estimation is driven by the elements of a use case.
1992年Gustov Karner介绍过,这个评估是由用例的元素驱动的。
This paper discusses the Rational Unified Process driven by use case, and gives a solution for capturing the requirement of library management information system.
Secondly, we present the relations between use case driven process and software basic sketch, and also describe the corresponding relations between semantic models and executive entities.
RUP development process is the mainstream of modern software development with characteristics of iteration and use case driven. UCP based on the use case is a software size estimation technique.
Research and Application of Use-Case Driven Analysis Method on Software Requirements Elicitation;
This paper presents a use-case driven extension approach-UCD/Theme approach, which uses aspect-oriented technique to facilitate separation of concerns on requirement analysis phase.
This paper presents a use-case driven extension approach-UCD/Theme approach, which uses aspect-oriented technique to facilitate separation of concerns on requirement analysis phase.