Use Case editor to create use-case specifications and use-case diagrams;
Are all Web applications going to be modeled with use-case diagrams and UML use-case points?
To organize these use cases, or at least to communicate the overall scope to management, you might decide to create one or more use-case diagrams.
You might also want to continue elaborating your requirements by linking to artifacts, such as: rich text documents, use-case diagrams, business models, and storyboards.
Next year, when the positions of "Tenured Professor" and "Associate Professor" get combined into "Instructor," you will not have to rework all of your use-case diagrams.
Consider the types of artifacts that would help visualize or further define your requirement (for example, a storyboard, use-case diagrams, rich text documents, and so forth).
Rhapsody is a round-trip model driven solution and supports capturing the project requirements using requirements diagrams, use-case diagrams, sequence diagrams, activity diagrams and state charts.
Example behavior diagrams are activity, use case, and sequence diagrams.
As we move from use case diagrams into sequence and class diagrams, we will immediately notice the impact of known actors.
One way this occurs is by confusing data flow diagrams with use case diagrams.
The Mirror Image and Session Facade patterns are useful for changing actors in use case diagrams into valid abstractions in class diagrams, which ultimately results in a cleaner translation to code.
In analysis, our use case realization contains only analysis classes and objects, which may populate various UML diagrams such as class diagrams and interaction diagrams.
Use case diagrams are constructs that model the main functions of a system, and identify initial interactions between the system and its environment.
Behavior diagrams, such as use case and activity diagrams, represent general types of behavior.
We've partially worked through sequence diagrams in conjunction with use case modeling in the two previous columns.
Developers, testers and managers can search this database by use case name and view the related sequence diagrams in a browser.
Early and frequent customer contact combined with a simple requirements spreadsheet replace traditional functional specifications and sophisticated use case diagrams.
Developers use the generated diagrams to quickly understand the use case and to find the source of defects.
All from a statement of work, we can derive the feature list and use case diagrams, break up the problem, and then pick a use case to start to iterate.
Use case diagrams are among the standard Unified Modeling Language (UML) artifacts.
If you're modeling a use case scenario, your sequence diagrams will generally represent an interaction with an external entity.
Of course, you can create other UML diagrams, such as use case diagrams and sequence diagrams, to document your exchange.
For example, a system designer is interested in the logical and physical aspects of a system, so the most useful forms are class and sequence diagrams rather than use-case and activity diagrams.
Over time, it has become increasingly common for them to be graphically represented in use case diagrams.
The use case model also includes use case diagrams and activity diagrams that describe how users interact with the system.
Identifying and naming a use case realization provides traceability from the interactions diagrams and textual commentary back to the use case.
Examples are use cases, use case models, business rules, classes, class diagrams, sequence diagrams, the data model, and supplementary specifications.
Use case diagrams (see Figure 1 for an example) are often grouped to show a collective set of stakeholder needs.
For example, in UML use case diagrams it is common to apply stereotypes such as and to associations between use cases (see the tip use case Modeling Tips for details).
For example, in UML use case diagrams it is common to apply stereotypes such as and to associations between use cases (see the tip use case Modeling Tips for details).