All previous versions of JUnit use naming conventions and reflection to locate tests. For example, this code tests that 1 + 1 equals 2.
It will be best if you use the names shown in Figure 13 to be consistent with the naming conventions used later in the article.
Standardized naming conventions for use cases across iterations needed to be defined and implemented early in the agile cycle.
SQLObject provides some Style classes corresponding to common database naming conventions. For instance, if your column names look likeThis, instead of like_this, you can use the MixedCaseStyle
SQLObject提供了一些与常见数据库命名约定对应的 Style 类。
Use the ordinary bean-naming conventions for each column in the table, but convert underscores to mixed case (for example, topping_id becomes getToppingId).
对表中的每个列使用普通bean 命名约定,但将下滑线转换为大小写混合(例如,topping_id变成 getToppingId)。
Use the ordinary bean-naming conventions for each column in the table, but convert underscores to mixed case (for example, topping_id becomes getToppingId).
对表中的每个列使用普通bean 命名约定,但将下滑线转换为大小写混合(例如,topping_id变成 getToppingId)。