In a bubble market business plans and elaborate "use of proceeds" sections on offering documents are superfluous.
To a certain extent, the use of proceeds by a High Yield issuer is restricted by the restricted Payment covenants.
Leasing of construction machinery is a lessee to pay rent for a price in a certain period of time, construction machinery and the use of proceeds rights.
But rather than dedicate the proceeds of the stock offering to fixing the company's challenged business model, its board has decided to use a third of it to repurchase stock.
The somewhat optimistic thinking was that Russia could use proceeds from the sale of the unneeded credits — worth billions of euros — to pursue efficiency upgrades of its own.
AIG will use proceeds from the sale of shares, part of a series of divestments, to repay some of the bail-out money it has received.
The International Rhino Foundation is auctioning on eBay four pieces of dung from the endangered species and will use the proceeds to fund conservation efforts.
But to continue receiving these benefits, China must agree to use a share of the proceeds to clean up its own economy.
The terms on which African countries let China and other newcomers tap their mineral riches, as they have begun to do, and how they use their share of the proceeds, will become increasingly important.
Said the Master, "And of what use is action that proceeds from an unenlightened heart"?
In a filing with securities regulators Monday, Microsoft said it plans to use the proceeds for 'general corporate purposes' including repurchases of stock and acquisitions.
Locally incorporated subsidiaries of foreign Banks are now being allowed to tap this market, though the proceeds must be for domestic use.
Ideally, countries that are short of water would concentrate on growing the most valuable cash crops, and use the proceeds to import staples.
He would like to use proceeds from a sale, which he hopes will be "six figures or higher," to pay medical bills and get out of debt.
Use of the bags dropped by 90 percent, and proceeds from the tax went to environmental causes.
We plan to use the proceeds from the sale-leaseback to repay some of the long-term debt we currently have.
Then Facebook said it would push all applications to use a virtual currency, Credits, on the site, and take 30 percent of proceeds.
Amazon will use a variety of market factors to determine what price it wants to use, and you get a 70% cut of the proceeds of each sale (which is the industry standard).
June 2008: "We do not expect to use proceeds of this equity offering to further decrease leverage, but rather to take advantage of future market opportunities."
The proceeds accruing to the seller of any subsequent resale, disposal, or use of the imported merchandise.
Article 225 the proceeds gained due to possession or use of the leased property shall belong to the lessee, except as otherwise agreed upon by the parties.
Farmers' land property income means relevant compensations for expropriation of land or proceeds from transfer of land use right.
Make maximum use of legislation to confiscate the proceeds of drug trafficking.
The data catalogue method to proceeds the bridge information to classification management and the coding technique to describe the proceeding code are made use of.
The company will use the proceeds of its offering to construct two plants to triple its annual production capacity by the end of 2013.
The company will use the proceeds of its offering to construct two plants to triple its annual production capacity by the end of 2013.