A definition of Actors and how they are used in level design, including placement and manipulation techniques.
In correction factor fuzzy control method an online interpolation algorithm is introduced. And it has been used in level control system of water tank.
To measure the difference in elevation between poles, surveyors used an optical level—a telescope on a level base—placed halfway between the poles.
The Chinese used a gravity meter to correct for local deviations in sea level.
This method can also be used on an individual level, or in any place you have planned multiple streams of activities with a single resource.
Architects typically reuse patterns identified from external sources, and also define their own patterns to be used on the project, in order to ensure some level of architectural consistency.
These objects reference the facts, dimension, hierarchy, and level objects that are used in the cube model, and they are similar to these objects in the cube model.
To answer this question in DB2, the same technique is used as for LEVEL.
而在DB 2中要回答这个问题,可以使用与LEVEL相同的技术。
In this file, you define the logging handlers to be used and their default logging level.
Another level of confusion centers around the terms used in discussions of high availability.
Phased methodology can be used in any organization and at any level of process work.
The pseudo column LEVEL is used in a string to make the hierarchy visible.
Control rods are used in a PWR typically to change the power level and also to shut down the reactor.
The level of technology used in manufacturing cars is very high.
The pseudo column LEVEL can be used in the ORDER BY clause to return the result set in search breadth first sequence.
可在ORDERBY 子句中使用伪列LEVEL按照搜索宽度优先顺序返回结果集。
Response time is critical when this service is used in a composition scenario and some service level agreements (SLAs) have to be met for the resulting service.
当服务在组合场景中使用,且所得到的服务必须满足一定的服务水平协议(Service Level Agreement,SLA)时,响应时间就非常重要。
Prior to the 5300-05 Technology Level released in August, 2006 SUMA used the previous terminology of ML instead of TL.
VSTO smart tags can be used only in document-level projects for Excel and Word.
VS TO智能标记只能够使用在Word或者Excel中的文档级别的项目中。
The equal sign does the same thing as the assignment arrow, but may only be used at the top-level scope, not also in nested expressions.
等号可以完成与赋值箭头 (assignment arrow)相同的功能,但是只能用于最高层次范围,不能用于嵌套的表达式。
In the default template, the font name of MyriadPro, font size of 12pt, in black color is used for bookmark heading level 1 entries in the table of contents.
In Listing 4 strength level 2 is used so that "Paris" and "Paris" are equal. Following are examples of other possible values.
In the sample, you used transport level security because the password would otherwise be in clear text.
Derivatives of various stripes have traditionally been used in the financial world to provide some level of insurance against the fluctuation in an asset's price.
This could result in a potential concurrency issue in your code at the class level, where static data is used, or in the repository's APIs.
这可能会导致在类级别(使用静态数据的情况)的代码中或存储库 API 中出现潜在的并发问题。
The user or administrator can limit the degree to which asynchrony is used at a query or data source level, in order to limit its impact on local and remote resources.
Manage: Collect and display application, process, and service-level metrics in various tools used by business and IT staff to ensure that the applications and processes are performing as expected.
In the sample, we used transport-level security because the password was in clear text.
The clipping level is used to limit the amount of data that appears in the report for code that received few ticks.
Scenarios are used to describe products and key tasks in terms of high-level user goals and the business process management lifecycle.
Correlated with the data in Table 4, which indicates that the database server is the least-used component in the system, either database vendor will provide the highest level of performance.