The term kleptoplasty is used to describe the practice of using hijacked genes to create nutrients from sunlight.
Which word can be used to describe the rain in this poem?
The "selfie" is used to describe the self-taken photo, often from a smartphone.
The term "homeologous", is used to describe the relationship of similar chromosomes or parts of chromosomes.
The dc:format property is used to describe the format of a resource.
Base Types - Roles used to describe the highest level of the role hierarchy.
The term used to describe the popularity or your website was known as PageRank.
Work and play are words used to describe the same thing under differing condition.
WSDL is an XML format used to describe the technical characteristics of a Web service.
Enterprise taxonomies are used to describe the content that is generated by a business.
Everybody involved will have clear understanding of the concepts used to describe the system.
Calories with a big "c" are the ones used to describe the amount of energy contained in foods.
Sometimes the terms “twin flame” or “twin soul” are used to describe the ultimate soul mate.
A domain specific language (DSL) is used to describe the (possibly narrow) elements of a single domain.
The Iceberg Theory is a term used to describe the writing style of American writer Ernest Hemingway.
The assembly data model is used to describe the hierarchical data that flows through the assembly steps.
There had been another word that English men and women used to describe the things we now call windows.
RDF doesn't require XML, but one of the serialization formats used to describe the information USES XML.
In photography this term is used to describe the quality of the areas in the picture which are not in focus.
It also includes references to any schemas that are used to describe the structure of individual event parts.
The SOA depends on a set of data schemas that are used to describe the messages that flow around the SOA ecosystem.
SOA依赖于一组用于描述在 SOA生态系统中传递的消息的数据模式。
First is that a single COBOL record definition is used to describe the message sent and received by the application.
Cascading style Sheets (CSS) : CSS is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of HTML documents.
层叠样式表(Cascading Style Sheets,CSS): CSS是一种用于说明HTML文档表示的样式表语言。
There are also different types of languages used to describe the policies; each has its own benefits and drawbacks.
The Service Provider is the term used to describe the website or web-service where the restricted resources are located.
The diagram shown in Figure 1 might be the one used to describe the assembly of the OrderClient and the OrderService.
In the REST programming model, however, the term "property sheet type" is used to describe the definition of custom fields.
The Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) can be used to describe the interface a web service offers, again based on XML.
Web服务定义语言(Web Services Definition Language,WSDL)可以用来描述 Web服务提供的接口,它也是基于XML。
The Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) can be used to describe the interface a web service offers, again based on XML.
Web服务定义语言(Web Services Definition Language,WSDL)可以用来描述 Web服务提供的接口,它也是基于XML。