She probably has a good mind, which should be used to the full.
We could only get a good look at the structure of the gears after gamma-rays were used to see inside, very similar to the way X-rays are used to see your bones.
我们只有在用伽玛射线观察内部之后才能很好地了解齿轮的结构,这和用X 射线看你的骨头非常相似。
It is actually a good lead-in to some of the techniques that Neel used, that she employed to bridge that contradiction.
这个问题引出了 Neel曾经使用的一些技巧,她用这些技巧来调和这一矛盾。
Ella showed her the best places to go for a good buy, and taught her how to haggle with used furniture dealers.
In the 19th century, there used to be a model of how to be a good person.
It is a good idea to build a whelping box well in advance so the bitch has time to get used to it.
The casino issued to him, as a good customer, a "Fun Card," which when used in the casino earns points for meals and drinks, and enables the casino to track the user's gambling activities.
There used to be some really good stores, but lots of them moved out to the mall.
We need to accept that fact across much of the planet, so waste with little or no treatment will be used in agriculture for good reason.
Don and I had a really great lifestyle, and when the work was finished, we used to take good vacations in places like Cancun and the Bahamas, just to get relaxed.
For example, they are now used to saying good bye to parents in the morning before they go to school.
The students have different abilities, so the volunteers have used different teaching methods to help them develop good study habits.
Until recently, Banks like Lehman Brothers bought credits from renewable energy companies and used them to reduce their own tax liabilities - for the good that did.
We tried the tool and used it to erase a background image and the results are really good.
But we have to pay the price: all the stuff that is used to allow fast food cooking is not good for our health.
The Internet, of course, is just a technology, to be used for good or ill.
I wondered whether these four principles could be used to increase the amount of good luck that people encounter in their lives.
Both WSDL and schema are complex standards, and the available tools for working with these definitions require a good understanding of the standards to be used effectively.
They were lending to Banks that were in trouble and the — so we'll give them a good rate; that's what they used to do.
One of the most popular aphorisms used to describe good programmers is that they're lazy.
Restore the last good snapshot to the disks that will be used for the recovery data center.
In good weeks more than a hundred stalls used to fill the town's auction ground.
Alexander used to make a good living working in the auto industry, but that was two years ago.
This is effectively a multiplier which is used to determine “how good” or “how bad” the achieved response time is when compared to the service goal.
"Things used to be really good," said Dai, who was born in the same house 50 years ago. "Kids used to play outside, neighbors used to pop in."
There was no indication, for instance, that bonuses or stock options were more widely used by the good-to-great companies.
It should also draw a good mix of upscale residents who used to shun the area because of its proximity to the Downtown Eastside.
If only because livers are very scarce organs and transplants to cancer patients are not always a good idea because of the immune-system suppressing drugs used to prevent rejection.
If only because livers are very scarce organs and transplants to cancer patients are not always a good idea because of the immune-system suppressing drugs used to prevent rejection.