User-privilege management is very important in design of MIS and is safe assurance of system.
Based on the idea of Role-Based Access Control, this paper presents a user-privilege management method using VJ, which is advantageous for its simplicity, flexibility and security.
During the solution integration, one security rule you need keep in mind is to be certain that different user roles have their corresponding privilege sets.
Any operating system user can potentially access DB2; however, unless they have been granted a given DB2 authority or privilege, there is not much they can do.
任何操作系统用户都有可能访问DB2;但是,除非他们被授予给定的DB 2权限或特权,否则他们能做的事情不多。
For example, at replication, every user is assigned exactly the same privilege set, which implies that no fragmentation of access rights in CM is made.
Any user who has EXECUTE privilege on these procedures can read or update automatic maintenance policies.
Note: In the above example, the assumption is that the maximum privilege set assigned to the user has edit.
If you want to show audit information to user who do not have administrator permissions, you must write code to elevate privilege so that your code can succeed.
In Listing 3, you see that the user EMMA has CONTROL privilege on the table TABLE1 as well as all the other available table privileges, including the ability to grant those privileges to other users.
ACLs contain pairs of privilege sets that are assigned to users or user groups.
As you saw in the previous sections, you can't avoid defining users, user groups, privilege sets, and ACLs in order to work with CM V8 in your enterprise in a convenient way.
This utility can only be used by user Informix or users with DBA privilege.
Provide support to company business applications, such as data import and export, set up user, products, privilege by application administration interface, etc.;
The user needs to have the edit access in his Max privilege set.
Maximum privilege sets assigned to the user, and.
This privilege is needed to call the UNIX operating system APIs to authenticate or to collect user and group information.
In the authorization and authentication areas of the client, you can add, modify, or delete users, user groups, privilege sets, and ACLs.
To use the Local OS user registry, the user under which the product processes run must have the root privilege.
Tivoli Security Policy Manager - Provides a uniform point of administration of users, federation of user information, and privilege management.
The INHERIT SELECT PRIVILEGES clause specifies that any user or group holding the SELECT privilege on a supertable is to be granted an equivalent privilege on new subtables.
For example, a program that needs a single root privilege may get started as root (say, by being setuid root) and then switch to running as a less-privileged user.
例如,需要个别的root特权的程序可能以root身份启动(比如说,通过成为setuid root)然后切换到以较少特权用户身份运行。
In Visual Studio .NET, there are two things that determine if a user can debug. One is the Debugger Users group, and the other is user privilege, such as administrator, power user, or SEDebug.
This can be achieved by setting the "maximum privilege set" for a user to ItemSuperAccess privilege.
You must be root to make the chroot call, and you should quickly change to non-root (a root user can escape a chroot environment, so if it's to be effective, you need to drop that privilege).
You can specify which privileges should be granted to the user or group by clicking on the drop-down box for each privilege and selecting either Yes, No, or grant.
Assign the newly created privilege set to any user accounts that will need to log in to the Content Manager server with single sign-on.
Grant the privilege to write to the variable only to the DBA user id.
Grant execute privilege on Siebel stored procedures and user-defined functions to PUBLIC.
The management of user privilege is one of the most important issue in CSCW system.
Rational and effective user privilege management provided the foundation for PDM system's work.
合理有效的用户权限管理是保证PD M系统顺利运作的基础。