User Authentication protocol: This protocol authenticates the client to the server and runs over the transport layer.
Authentication in DB2 does not only involve encrypting user names and passwords but also allows for encryption of data as it travels across the network between the clients and the server.
DB 2中的身份验证不仅涉及对用户名和密码进行加密,还允许对客户机与服务器之间通过网络传输的数据进行加密。
With that in mind, one of the core problems of HTTP is that its authentication mechanisms assumes a single identity (the one of the user, or a server) validated by the request handler.
For example, when an LDAP server authenticates a user, the authentication authority is the LDAP server even though the LDAP server may be using SAML to communicate the authorization.
A major challenge for administrators with heterogeneous environments is to have uniform user IDs and passwords across different systems, preferably with a centralized authentication server.
Additional authentication options include the ability to encrypt user names and passwords, as well as data, as they travel across the network between client and server.
Configuring the RADIUS server consists of configuring the server, the client, and the user (both for authentication and authorization).
When TM1 is configured to use LDAP authentication it will verify user credentials against the configured LDAP server.
当把TM 1配置为使用LDAP身份验证时,它会根据配置的LDAP服务器检查用户凭证。
With such a limitation, it becomes a requirement for the single LDAP server to store all the user authentication information.
As the entry point for mashup applications, the mashup server is responsible for the authentication and authorization of each user.
IBM Directory Server (IDS) can optionally be used to provide user authentication.
可以选择采用IBMDirectoryServer (IDS)来提供用户认证。
After TAI processes successfully, Application Server creates an encrypted user authentication cookie called an LTPA Token.
Although the MDM Server entrusts end user authentication to the system user, it is necessary for it to know the identity of the end user in order to provision transactional and data authorization.
When using Local OS for any operating system as the user registry, WebSphere Application Server makes native OS calls for authentication to the underlying user registry.
The OpenSSH client user ram is all set for Public Key authentication to user laxman on the OpenSSH server with EFS login. Verify the same with ssh login from client
现在准备使用EFS登录由OpenSSH服务器上的用户laxman 对 OpenSSH客户机用户ram 进行公钥认证。
You can set up the Rational products to use your own LDAP servers for authentication, eliminating the need to create user accounts locally on each Rational cloud server.
The user ID plato cannot access the noplatos database if the server side plug-in is invoked for authentication.
In prior versions of Server.Load, the user was required to authenticate to the server under test, regardless of whether or not a given workload needed authentication.
在旧版本的Server . Load中,无论给定工作负载是否需要身份验证,用户都需要通过所测试服务器的身份验证。
The Domino Directory typically keeps information recent and up-to-date, because authentication process USES this information and many user and server initiated tasks access this central file.
You have an authenticating proxy server that just sends the user ID as an HTTP header without any authentication information.
DATA_ENCRYPT_CMP - This specifies that the server accepts encrypted server authentication schemes and the encryption of user data.
DATA_ENCRYPT _ CMP——这指定服务器接受加密的SERVER身份验证模式和用户数据的加密。
This page requires the user to choose a destination publish server and any necessary authentication information.
You are now ready to test your server-side user ID/password authentication plug-in.
Any container requires the authentication of the user to use the server.
Pass-through authentication is a mechanism which allows a client to bind to a directory server even if the user credential is not available locally.
One option to address this is to implement your own custom WMQ authentication plug-in on the WebSphere MQ server side to validate the user id and password sent by WebSphere Application server.
Create a user of type GenericPortletUser for the authentication of a user to use the server.
User id Plato can access databases other than noplatos when the server side plug-in is invoked for authentication.
Tivoli Directory Server provides user authentication for the users stored in its directory.
Given the facts above, the MDM Server trusts the system user to perform adequate authentication and credential validation.