The user directory stores file details and user access data.
This is largely just a convenience so you can invoke commands more easily; all the user data for the profile is still stored under the profile directory.
We can now use the authenticated user ID to retrieve all the user's data from the LDAP directory.
A staff repository (also known as an enterprise, staff, or people directory) is the data store that actually contains the user and group information.
If the source of the user data is not in a supported LDAP directory, it is possible to build custom assembly lines to extract data from other sources.
During early testing, we found that in many Notes/Domino environments, multiple users use the same Notes Data directory, with each user having a separate Location document.
在早期的测试过程中,发现在很多Notes/Domino环境中,多数用户使用相同的 NotesData目录,并且每个用户具有一个单独的Location文档。
The next eight fields, User Base through Role Search String, are used to authenticate the user against the data stored in the directory server and to obtain the group information for the user.
接下来的八个字段,从UserBase到 RoleSearchString,用于根据存储于目录服务器中的数据对用户进行身份验证,并为用户获取组信息。
The user details service communicates with the back-end data storage (such as a directory service) that contains details of the user.
A bind message transfers user data to an LDAP directory service, such as ApacheDS, and stores (or saves) the data in the directory.
Directory Server stores user profiles and provides a trusted identity data infrastructure for authentication.
Prior to Version 6 of WebSphere Application Server, both product binaries and user data were located under the WebSphere installation directory
在WebSphereApplicationServer 第 6版之前,产品二进制文件和用户数据都位于 WebSphere安装目录下
You use the IBM directory server command in Listing 19 to import this user data into the directory server.
One way to think about the WebSphere profile is to consider it as the "user data partition," the equivalent of the user's home directory in UNIX/Linux operating system environments.
Your user account does not have sufficient permission to write data to the temporary storage directory on the local computer.
OBEX (object Exchange), a user-oriented protocol in Bluetooth stack, provides a united criterion for putting and getting data objects (File and Directory) simply and flexibly.
Use this directory to store user documents and application data files.
Use this directory to store user documents and application data files.