Short of not using a cellphone, the lowest exposure would come from using the speaker phone or a wired headset or ear buds.
D.C. police will pull you over if they see you using a cellphone that you’re holding up to your ear, but not if you’re hands-free.
A separate NHTSA report estimates that at any given time in 2007, there were more than one million U. S. drivers using a cellphone while driving.
That might be reasonable for people accessing the Web and email on their cellphone, but for someone using a laptop, I found to my cost, 15 megabytes doesn't go far.
But at least one tech executive confessed to already using his cellphone as a wallet — in a way.
Women also have a habit of picking up things from the dashboard and using cellphone while driving on the fast lanes.
Zhao accused the web portal of using his image for a cellphone game commercial, which has allegedly damaged his image. Zhao is seeking compensation of RMB2.05m.
One way is what is called two-channel authentication, using something other than the computer - most likely a cellphone - as part of the log-on procedure.
This handy amenity gives you the peace of mind of using a reliable interpreter to receive cellphone explanations or complete contract procedures in your own native language.
A teenager using his cellphone to send a text message has been seriously injured after he was hit by a train.
Does it cost a little more to send messages in the USA using your cellphone?
Does it cost a little more to send messages in the USA using your cellphone?