Using few words and gorgeous imagery, this is a poetic painting of a family, each in their own space on an August afternoon.
Using few words, Rain explores concepts like weather, colors, and a changing landscape. It's a book for very young readers to enjoy and learn from, rain or shine.
书籍简介 本书以简洁的文字,带领孩子探索气候、颜色和变化万千的大地,在愉快的心情中学习雨天和晴天的不同。
John has a unique way to get across his opinion by using as few words as possible.
Instead of using words for precise quantities, these people rely exclusively on terms similar to "a few" or "some."
这些人不使用精确的词语来表示数量,而是只使用类似于 “a few” 或 “some” 的词语。
However, if you sort the same words using a collator created for English, words are sorted as if accents were ignored - desired behavior if you have few foreign words in English text.
Between us we have only a few words of Mandarin and, worse, I'm a vegetarian, but the waitress tries to help us, using a mixture of sign language and broken English.
If you follow this method for the next few weeks, then using new words will become a habit.
One way to get around this problem is to keep a few new words in your vocabulary by using them on a daily basis.
If you've got a little time, actually writing out a few paragraphs using your new words can really cement their meanings in your mind.
Using bold graphics and few words, Rain explores concepts like weather, colors, and a changing landscape.
Someone once asked me to describe myself using as few words as possible.
This paper discusses the interpretation corrections to a few words in Grand Chinese Characters Dictionary and Modern Chinese Dictionary by using Yichang dialect words for reference and the study o.
Let me say a few words next about how I am using the term "phenomenal consciousness."
Let me say a few words next about how I am using the term "phenomenal consciousness."