Geometric model was extracted through ACIS, manufacturing feature was recognized reconstructed through establishment of manufacturing feature library and using of Rule-based method.
Using energy method, the geometric non-linear of higher bridge pier is analyzed.
For different cab, using this method, we can train several inverse models to design and optimize the geometric parameters to make the reduction of noise in it.
Thereby, a 3d geometric model for a chaser is demonstrated by using this method.
A new method for predicting the surface tension of ternary from biliary ones by using geometric solution model is given.
Moreorer a comparative study of computer image processing and optic processing was done to solve the geometric registration of the image using multinomial and finite element method.
Using the tree method partitions the unordered point data, so the geometric model of the scattered data is generated.
The strain, geometric equation and principal strain of the elastic solid are all-sidedly studied by using the method of dyad analysis.
In this paper, we prove the inequality relations of arithemetric mean, logarithmic mean, exponential mean and geometric mean for two positive numbers by using probabilistic method.
By using the matrix geometric solution method, we derive the explicit expressions for steady-state probability vector.
In this paper we discussed the evolution of two states system and geometric phase in a rotating magnetic field by using the method of coordinate transformation.
Using texture mapping method vertically maps the input image to 3D geometric human face model.
Using a geometric method and computer simulation, the second Kepler's Law is studied. The calculated result shows that the areal velocity is approximately constant with an accuracy of 10 -13 .
利用几何方法及计算机模拟研究开普勒第二定律,运算结果面积速度近似为常量,本文中精度为1 0 - 13。
The influence of geometric parameters on stepped T-type RHS joint was studied by using finite element method considering material and geometrically nonlinear effect.
A method of the block adjustment based on a new strict geometric model for remote sensing images with high resolution (RSIHR), using few control points, is presented in this paper.
Based on the features of NC milling on ti alloy curved faces, the geometric parameters of ball end mills for fluting on ti alloy curved faces are optimized by using orthogonal test method.
Under these assumptions, some reliability indices are derived by using the geometric process and the method of supplementary variable.
The cyclic codes are studied by using the geometric method.
Using a powerful Matrix-geometric method, the stationary probability distribution for the system states is obtained.
The main content of the project research is the two-dimensional geometric quantities of the mechanical parts using the digital imaging measurement method.
The design method for steerable-motor assemblies using the geometric build Angle rate was proposed, and the correlative formulae and some design examples were given.
The paper presents a method of geometric measurement of hollow-core optical fiber using the image processing techniques.
This paper took discal cam as an example to bring forward a method of using computer program to get 3D geometric data of planar part and make its model in reverse.
Using the quasi-birth-and-death process method, we derive the equilibrium condition of the system and the matrix-geometric solution of the steady-state probability vectors.
To restore the lost synchronism, a novel method to estimate the geometric operation using sifted Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (sift) was proposed.
To restore the lost synchronism, a novel method to estimate the geometric operation using sifted Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (sift) was proposed.