He has been using this dictionary for ten years.
Using this information, they were able to figure out a list of potential keystroke pairs.The results were then compared with a 58,000-entry dictionary.
This process is somewhat like using a language dictionary in another country, in that you know what you want to say, so you just need to find the correct translation.
But there is another way you can do this using the identifiers that exist in the dictionary, shown in Listing 15.
This command USES the master dictionary created while using the master node specified with the CDR define template command.
Using this information, they were able to figure out a list of potential keystroke pairs. The results were then compared with a 58,000-entry dictionary.
This is done by tricking a WPA to send out a large amount of data, and then mathematically cracking it without using a dictionary attack.
By using this layer of abstraction, consuming applications can easily swap out the dictionary provider they use.
In this article, I will introduce a solution for the internationlization of Web content using XSLT style sheets and an XML Dictionary.
在本文中,我将介绍使用XSLT样式表和 XML 字典所进行的Web内容的国际化解决方案。
As this example demonstrates, a dictionary is created in Python by using curly braces, with key-value combinations separated by the colon character.
They prefer to use that dictionary instead of using this one.
In this dictionary, definitions have been written using words from a specially chosen list.
Using this information, they were able to figure out a list of potential keystroke pairs. The results were then compared with a 58,000-entry dictionary.
Notice that when using this technique, it will be difficult to look up words in a dictionary, because you will not see the words on the screen - you will only hear them.
Using this new, electronic form of the dictionary is easy, and the computer searches it makes possible ensure the dictionary in its new form is very powerful as a reference tool.
这种全新电子版词典很容易使用,它使计算机检索成为可能。这就保证这种新型词典也是一种非常有效力的 检索工具。
This paper discusses the interpretation corrections to a few words in Grand Chinese Characters Dictionary and Modern Chinese Dictionary by using Yichang dialect words for reference and the study o.
Thanks. This is a good book which you learning by using dictionary.
Thanks. This is a good book which you learning by using dictionary.