In power utilization management system, the performance of energy charge computing subsystem is determined by the speed of computing energy charge mainly.
It covers the whole forestry field, including the protection and management of forests, related rangelands, and water-sheds; utilization of forest products; and the economic aspects of forestry.
Management needs to be able to analyze inventory levels, cycle time, wait time, throughput, equipment and personnel utilization, and many other factors at all points in the process.
Judgment calls are required at every stage of information management, from identification through categorization to control, utilization, and archiving.
If you are satisfied with the code coverage and the behavior of the application, then turn your focus to non-functional issues such as performance, memory utilization, and thread management.
This improves resource utilization and memory management.
From a service management perspective, you can use this information to measure the utilization of the service assets and plan service migration and retirement strategies accordingly.
Specifying an application domain does not prevent management software from polling device-level metrics such as device load, CPU utilization, memory metrics, and environmental statistics.
In addition, connection management, resource availability, and utilization are improved.
If your goal for using Live Application Mobility is energy management and using it as a server consolidation tool, then resource utilization is not as important.
A positive effect of this is the ability to provide more centralized it management and better utilization of physical resources than can normally be achieved without SOA.
In addition to increasing database capacity, large RID support can also simplify table space management (through consolidation) and improve storage and memory utilization.
In larger deployments, starting and stopping instances and being billed by cluster utilization consolidates cost and management of IaaS.
to be responsible for the investigations, appraisals, zoning, exploitation and utilization, management and coordination of the agricultural resources;
To put forward policies of management, utilization and protection of state-owned land and resources.
With their high utilization rates, virtualized platforms cannot handle the overhead associated with precloud Web access management (WAM) use of webserver plug-ins and agents.
The dynamic memory management of SACOS can decrease efficiently the memory management overhead and memory fragmentation and improve the memory utilization.
Human intelligence and awareness, coupled with the thoughtful management and utilization of earth resources are really the only two core issues.
This pattern can increase compute resource utilization, and reduce the costs and management overhead associated with performing compute processing in cloud-hosted applications.
In the subject choice, the spatial laying aside, the color utilization, the material selection, criterion management, idea creation many aspects, it need further enhance.
The development, utilization, protection and management of seawater shall be exercised in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws.
Any property obtained from the management, utilization, disposal or other operations of the entrusted property by a TIC shall also be regarded as entrusted property.
The current development, utilization and management of the information resources have been regarded as the important measures for lifting the international competitive power of the enterprises.
Knowing the water resources and it's distributing of space-time well is the precondition and foundation of exploitation, utilization, planning and management to water resources.
Knowing the water resources and it's distributing of space-time well is the precondition and foundation of exploitation, utilization, planning and management to water resources.