A scar left on the skin by vaccinating.
In Peru, women get one dollar a day for vaccinating and sending their children to school.
Eradication requires reaching children in the few areas where the virus still circulates and vaccinating all children under the age of 5.
This photo story documents the unusual challenges the health workers faced in reaching and vaccinating people in remote and resource-poor areas of Mali.
With the White House moving toward a military attack against Iraq, the Pentagon is expected to start vaccinating up to 500,000 troops against smallpox.
With the White House moving toward a military attack against Iraq, the Pentagon is expected to start vaccinating up to 500,000 troops against smallpox.
The goal is to work on vaccinating the edge of this area and then move eastward toward the coast in efforts to eliminate the virus, he told Discovery News.
The vividness effect is widespread and often leads to bad decisions (purchasing worthless drugs, supplements, dietary programs, not vaccinating children, etc.).
Vaccinating your kids, the vast majority of medical professionals agree, is definitely a good thing to do for their health and the health of everyone else's kids.
Family doctors are currently vaccinating people at high risk from swine flu, including pregnant women, health workers and those with asthma, heart disease and diabetes.
There has been a tremendously successful program in vaccinating children against measles in Africa, so the incidence of disease and death from that has fallen dramatically.
By vaccinating eggs against influenza, we could protect wild bird species as well as domestic chickens against pandemic flu strains, limiting the spread of disease to humans.
During a conference call Monday, a WHO vaccine expert told reporters that vaccinating health-care workers first will allow countries to 'maintain a functional health system.'
They showed that far fewer babies were born with birth defects due to congenital rubella syndrome, after countries started vaccinating children against rubella.[5][6][7][8][9][10]
Objective To supply science basis for improving on immune strategy of heptitis A vaccine, and to understand epidemiology of heptitis A in Hongkou since vaccinating heptitis A vaccine.
Also, vaccinating children against measles has saved many lives. So has the use of vitamin a to strengthen children's immune systems, and chemically treated bed nets to prevent malaria.
VACCINATING people against swine flu may be a lot easier than anyone dared hope, as it turns out that people have an unexpected degree of immunity to the pandemic now sweeping the world.
Twice in the past year, the Emir of Kano has launched two immunization campaigns by standing in front of the state's media, vaccinating his grandson, and calling on Kano's citizens to do the same.
Twice in the past year, the Emir of Kano has launched two immunization campaigns by standing in front of the state's media, vaccinating his grandson, and calling on Kano's citizens to do the same.