You can also validate code against the layer diagram on every check-in.
If I want to validate this code in a white box manner, I have to separate UI-specific code from business code, which requires some refactoring.
You can examine the coverage analysis data to help you determine which subset of the automation suite needs to be run, allowing you to validate the new code in less time.
It's always better to do the extra work and validate your input than to run unknown and untrustworthy code.
In addition, the drive itself can validate the data being written, so that its integrity code matches the data.
With this approach, you can validate many different kinds of data with a single piece of code.
Now, with JAXP 1.3, you can parse, validate, and transform XML without ever writing a line of vendor-specific code.
现在,使用JAXP 1.3可以解析、验证并转换XML,而无需编写一行特定于开发商的代码。
Modify the controller to validate the ZIP code (5 numeric digits).
To produce code that runs faster and is easy to maintain, it makes far more sense to use a hash table that stores the command-line options, then USES the hash to validate the user-specified input.
This piece of code is vulnerable to XSS attacks because no check is made to validate the input.
Test Implementer: the test Implementer writes the additional test code, runs the tests to validate the solution, then reports errors to the appropriate developer and tests the resulting fixes.
A second option would be an integration test, which would allow you to validate the asynchronous functionality of the client-side code.
Two methods validate strings, as the code in Listing 3 shows.
Still, there will be pieces of the code you can't validate with a DTD or schema.
The generated code is the same kind of code that is used (MS XSD validation APIs) in the XML designer to validate XML documents.
生成的代码和XML设计器验证 XML 文档使用的代码(MSXSD验证API)是同一类。
The final step is to create a new web page with the code to create the form and handle the submit event on the Validate button.
By commenting out the code shown in Listing 2, you can be assured that the validate flag will always be false (you can remove it altogether, as an option).
The code will use the classes to validate if correct Atom has been returned.
Again, the code in Listing 10 allows the following instance to validate.
Now that we've created the JSP, we'll write the code in the portlet to validate the user id and password and display the appropriate message.
Cofelt asks if this is enough - does the agile approach of using a working example to validate ideas always truly outweigh doing some validation with rough sketches before committing to code?
The smaller the code size of an application, the easier it is to validate and prove that it is bug free.
应用程序的代码越小,就越容易验证和证明它是没有bug 的。
To validate, place the transformation code inside the block of a clause and check the condition as a test statement inside the block.
You can write a block of code and immediately validate it by running it in an accurate simulation of a production WebSphere Application Server installation.
Listing 2 shows the code that USES the regular expression in Listing 1 to validate the data.
You should take one more step before digging into your code (although this definitely brings things closer to implementation) : Validate your Web page (or pages).
The subcategories allow you to validate that your code complies with best practices related to encoding, locale handling, translations, and others.
This is a tough task for developers, because they will have to write thousands lines of code to validate user input.
The sample code illustrates how you can create an external grammar file, validate the spoken name, and fetch the records that match.