Whether you'd like a great value-for-money lunch or a relaxed evening meal at a fantastic restaurant, this is the place for you.
The data to back up the value-for-money claim are sparse.
“Three years too late, Dubai now has a value-for-money committee, ” says one banker.
Mr Williamson points out that Western companies such as Wal-Mart are already making a success of value-for-money strategies.
Peter Williamson, of the Judge Business School at the University of Cambridge, regards emerging markets as repositories of “value-for-money strategies for recessionary times”.
剑桥大学贾吉商学院 (JudgeBusinessSchool )的彼得•威廉姆森(Peter Williamson)将新兴市场视作“衰退时期的物超所值政策”的储备。
The main criterion is value for money.
We believe that is good value for money for our customers.
Before you part with your hard-earned cash, make sure that you are happy that you are getting value for money.
Larger sizes give the best value for money.
We have investigated a range of different camera models to see which is the best value for money.
We need to stress not only the effectiveness of helmets in saving lives, but the fact that helmet programmes are good value for money.
What ought to concern investors more is whether they are get-ting value for money.
It is frustratingly hard to say how much value for money these professionals provide.
He began browsing websites and university prospectuses, looking for a course that covered a range of property topics, had a strong reputation and offered good value for money.
"Value for money and costs per medal become of secondary importance to actually winning," he said.
People love high value for money (or time), so the more value you give, the more success you can expect to have.
Just over half of passengers think trains offer value for money; according to one recent survey, around 15% of them would consider abandoning trains or moving house to avoid these steeper fares.
根据最近的一项调查,只有五成多一点的乘客认为花钱坐火车,物有所值。 有15%的乘客为了应对快速上涨的价格,会考虑搬家。
Hammond said that the NAO was wrong to state that the overspend could have paid for an eighth Astute submarine, but admitted the MoD still had much to do to give taxpayers value for money.
Other ways to get value for money include shortening your holiday, we have a range of 10- and 11-night holidays, if 14 nights is over your budget.
When retailers decide to pass on higher costs to consumers, they are increasingly trying to do so in ways that hint that they still offer value for money.
They compete against the old guard on value for money, which depends on both price and quality.
Anotherinterpretation would be that the fund is getting great value for money; it is receiving world-class services at rock-bottom prices.
Clients are right to demand better value for money.
It's just part of the culture of size equalling value for money.
Mr Obama is right that America's health-care system is not providing value for money.
Since The Economist costs just $6.99 (a little less than two burgers) on the news-stand, the index provides decent value for money for would-be currency speculators, the authors conclude.
Since The Economist costs just $6.99 (a little less than two burgers) on the news-stand, the index provides decent value for money for would-be currency speculators, the authors conclude.