The “use-by” or “best if used-by” date indicates the last day that the item is at its best quality as far as taste, texture, appearance, odor, and nutritional value. The decline after that is gradual.
It is best to leave the property at this value, because enabling Aged timeout can have transactional implications when using JMS inside of EJBs.
Writing that constant over and over again is tedious at best, and error-prone if you try to type it in each time by hand instead of cutting and pasting the value.
At the very least, value estimates should be produced based on best, worst, and most likely value scenarios. For this reason, RUP refers to a range of different value scenarios for products.
However, when development teams apply these best practices, they will provide new value at the lowest possible cost to their business team.
At best, they suggest avenues of research, but by themselves they are of dubious value.
For best results set the GroupsCreationLimit to be at least 1000 (the default value is 20).
Why pay more at other shops? We have the best value.
All buyers want the best possible value at a reasonable price.
Therefore, we should try our best to catch up the chance to study at university and value the time at university so that we will have no regret for our life.
Why pay more at other shops? We have the best value.
At different speeds these parameters have different best value. Computation results provide theory instruction for optimization of diesel engine design.
My factory is in Guangdong Dongguan, make plastic handicraft of the mouth technically, if have fun at, can contact me, can give you a best value.
我厂在广东东莞,专门做出口的塑胶工艺品,假如有爱好的话,可以联系我, 可以给你一个最优惠的价格。
Platos aestheticism regards idea as the nucleus of aesthetics, and considers the aesthetic idea as the Nature of things at their best as well as the highest value and realm of life.
This result at least discovers that there is a best debt ratio in our listed companies, if we aim at the maximization of value of the firm.
While we are not in the position of commenting other vendors and their products, we are confident that our product offers the best value for price among the competitors at home and abroad.
As required, monitors the cost, schedule to assure best quality at best value.
Lean Manufacturing teaches you how to remove all non-value-added positions, aiming at the best quality, lowest cost and high efficiency to meet the market demand in the fastest response.
Our aim is to offer you some of the best UK hotel accommodation, with excellent service and facilities, all at a great-value price.
Our aim is to offer you some of the best UK hotel accommodation, with excellent service and facilities, all at a great-value price.