However, you should not remove an input field when the field is required or should be set to a default value because the field is required.
You can enter DefaultCoreGroup, as shown below, or, since it is not required, press Enter to accept the default value.
The verify method returns 0 if the value is not empty or 1 if the value of the required field has not been entered.
In Table 1, the value "NA" (not applicable) signifies that you can't set the required or tunnel attributes when there is no XSL: param instruction to contain them.
A registry launch condition can be used to search for a required registry key or value and display an error message if it is not found.
It is not required that the values be sequential, or even that a navigator position map to a unique value.
It is not required that the values be sequential, or even that a navigator position map to a unique value.