Characteristics of cross-joint flush valve: they are time-lapse, self-closing, beeline of water route.
四通冲洗阀特点:延时自闭、水流路径成“一”字型, 适应的水压比较多, 有手柄式、按钮式、脚踏式。
The results show that stiffness of spring does not affect the injection rate, but the mass of will affect the needle valve closing response time.
Output speed of electric installations on the determination of its opening and closing the valve when the time is not strictly required, should try to use a slower speed.
Test results show that the hydraulic valve actuation system can realize continuously variable valve lift and the early intake valve closing by changing the time of oil pressure release.
At the same time the valve opens a small moment, to achieve the rapid opening and closing the valve.
At the same time the valve opens a small moment, to achieve the rapid opening and closing the valve.