The Van Allen belts are composed of charged particles trapped by the earth's magnetic field.
The van allen belts are composed of charged particles trapped by the earth's magnetic field .
The Van Allen belts are two doughnut-shaped rings of charged particles-one nestled inside the other-that encircle our planet.
No spacecraft built forhumans has passed through the Van Allen Belts since the Apollo missions, and even those only passed through the belts – they didn't linger.
自阿波罗任务以来,没有载人航天器经过这个范艾伦辐射带 ,而甚至那些(也)只是通过这个带 -他们没有逗留。
Believer: These 'Van Allen belts', where the Earth's magnetic field concentrates solar radiation, would be dangerous only if people lingered there for several days.
支持者:这些所谓的“范艾伦带”(Van Allen belts),也就是地球磁场浓缩太阳辐射的地方并不致命,只有当人们于此逗留数天才会是危险的。
Van Allen described how the Earth is surrounded by belts of high-energy particles — mainly protons and electrons — that are held in place by the magnetic fields.
These devices are used in satellites that orbit the Earth within the Van Allen radiation Belts and must be able to work in a continuous low-radiation environment.
These devices are used in satellites that orbit the Earth within the Van Allen radiation Belts and must be able to work in a continuous low-radiation environment.