I bought a beautiful new vanity table so that I can put on my make-up better.
When Odysseus found that one of the girls at court was not a girl, but Achilles, he dressed as a merchant and set up a table of vanity items and jewellery and called to the group.
Vanity said that Arthur's Table clearly could not be in the forest, because there were no trees there.
Candelabras, two candy bowls as well as a Vogue and Vanity Fair book are placed strategically on each coffee table. On the ceiling is another classical reference.
The marble line was also widely used in high-grade bathrooms, Restroom and Bath Vanity furniture table.
Vanity half-rose from her seat, and leaned forward, palms on the table top, exclaiming in her cheerful, earnest voice: "But Mr."
Vanity half-rose from her seat, and leaned forward, palms on the table top, exclaiming in her cheerful, earnest voice: "But Mr."