The model of hydraulic motor pump variable speed control system is built.
DSP-based variable frequency AC motor speed control system, he is more use of the procedure.
A strategy of speed control for vector-controlled asynchronous motor drive system using sliding mode variable structure control with an integral action was proposed.
Simulation analysis was carried out for the variable speed pump-control-motor hydraulic system. Mathematic models of inverter, asynchronous motor, fixed pump and load were set up.
The article introduces the raising process, composition of raising machine and its the variable speed dive control system. Multi-motor drive of raising machine's feature is highlighted.
Power and Gearing device: Various kinds of motor, reducer, variable-speed motor, lift machine, protection device, and electronic control system etc.
In this paper, a slip-frequency vector control system using a single-chip micro - computer 8031 of MCS-51 family for variable frequency speed control of induction motor is introduced.
An induction motor variable frequency speed control system used in textile carding machine is presented in this paper.
The platform verified that the proposed variable load DC Motor Speed Control System with nonlinear state space model and parameter identification method is effectiveness.
A simple brushless motor variable-speed system without position sensors is designed, it is based on MCS-80C196KB and frequency raising-lowering control is realized.
本文设计了一个不使用位置传感器的无换向器电动机调速系统,采用MCS- 8单片机,实现了无换向器电动机的升降频控制。
The rotor speed can be tacken as a state variable of the system by using the Extended Kalman Filter, which based on the vector control of an asynchronous motor.
在异步电机控制基础上 ,利用扩展卡尔曼滤波器将转子转速看成系统的一个状态量 ,根据定子侧可以测量的电流、电压值 ,逐步估计出转子转速 ,为研制无速度传感器控制打下基础。
In this paper, a vector-control system using a 8-bit microcomputer for variable frequency speed-control of induction motor is presented.
In this paper, a vector-control system using a 8-bit microcomputer for variable frequency speed-control of induction motor is presented.