For this kind of multiply independent variables system, we need to build up a complex mathematic model.
The glacial system is governed by two basic climatic variables: precipitation and temperature.
In the System variables pane, click New.
Choose the variables and their values to fit your system and environment.
These procedures assume they can isolate from the rest of the world a closed system containing only a limited number of variables and a limited range of consequences.
If these configuration variables have not been set, then the JVM's default locale is used, which is obtained from the operating system the JSP container is running on.
To overcome this restriction and to maximize the flexibility of a relational database system, DB2 V9.5 introduces the concept of global variables.
The values for such variables can change when the operating system detects that the update frequency has changed, or if the operating system initiated the frequency change.
Within the context of an accessibility discussion, the operating system and windowing system are the key variables.
The node monitoring feature is used to capture the information such as the state of the JVM, system and environment variables, available CPUs, and so forth.
You just need a few macroscopic variables that are very familiar to you, like the pressure, the temperature, the volume, the number of moles of each component, the mass of the system.
Add a Path for TM1 Client System variables.
为TM 1客户端系统变量添加一个路径。
Configuring the system environment files and variables.
You can view and set the variables under these registries using the db2set system command.
But variables like pedestrians in crosswalks, large crowds and vehicle wrecks can throw a carefully designed system out of whack, leading to annoying and pollution-causing traffic jams.
By default, channels constructed with the open methods belong to a global channel group that can be configured using the following system variables.
The Health Center includes a perspective called the environment perspective, which exposes the monitored application's classpath, system properties, and environment variables.
Before we can actually configure Systems Director to use DB2, there are some environment variables to set on the system.
There are other system calls to exec a process, and they differ by how they accept parameters and if environment variables need to be passed.
One of these variables is SysUpTime, which should indicate how long the DB2 system has been up.
We are finding a parametric equation for the sphere using two variables phi and theta which happen to be part of the spherical coordinate system.
One of the variables presented to this template by the Drupal theme system can flag whether the front page is being displayed.
As discussed earlier, sudo will strip out potentially dangerous system variables.
The odbc_prepare function prepares an SQL statement with the database management system, then odbc_execute sends in the variables.
odbc _ prepare函数为数据库管理系统准备了一个sql语句,然后odbc_execute函数会在变量中发送该语句。
Import the WebSphere variables of the target system into an variable.xml file at the cell scope.
在单元范围内将目标系统的WebSphere变量导入到variable .xml文件中。
Values in the file are overridden by environment variables and system properties.
环境变量和系统属性将覆盖config -substitutions . properties文件中的值。
Begin by setting some environment variables on the system on which you are going to develop the 4gl application with UTF-8 characters. Set the following environment variables.
当您使用UTF - 8字符开发4gl应用程序时,首先需要在系统上设置一些环境变量。
The other way to preserve system environment variables is to use the Defaults! Env_reset directive, like in sudoers.
保留系统环境变量的另一种方法是在sudoers中使用Defaults !
The other way to preserve system environment variables is to use the Defaults! Env_reset directive, like in sudoers.
保留系统环境变量的另一种方法是在sudoers中使用Defaults !