The vast rural areas provides raw materials and market to industry.
China has vast rural areas with better ecological environment and agriculture with characteristics.
Countries to promote the "three rural areas of sports" activities have been flourishing in the vast rural areas to carry out together.
Especially in vast rural areas of China, there are a great variety of transportation patterns, and the traffic composition is very complex.
In between the Sui and Tang Dynasties, this kind of market was very prosperous in Sichuan, being the trading center for the vast rural areas.
According to social needs and market demand, a reasonable adjustment of rural industrial structure, the vast rural areas is facing an important task.
Agricultural establishments located in every corner of the vast rural areas, far away from the big market, relatively isolated, requires the communication of information.
In the vast rural areas of Guizhou province, the economy and culture are backward. The animal husbandry has long been confined by traditional old model, so its level is lower.
The original site of China's vast rural areas, rural areas are required each year a large number of pumps, agricultural pumps are generally accounted for more than half of the total pump.
Taking into account the level of income in China's vast rural areas is not high, it is difficult to deflect the curve because of high income, because such high households are relatively few.
Despite the world's population being almost equally divided between urban and rural dwellers, the vast majority without access to water and sanitation live in rural areas.
The vast majority of these groups promote white supremacist beliefs, and range from skinheads living in urban areas to the KKK, which is based largely in rural Settings.
They have moved from rural areas in vast Numbers in search of higher incomes in the cities.
Supermarket chains operating activities in rural areas will be the use of the vast majority of logistics management, logistics management, directly affects the level of supermarket operating margins.
Supermarket chains operating activities in rural areas will be the use of the vast majority of logistics management, logistics management, directly affects the level of supermarket operating margins.