If VAV system is applied to the TAC system, the stability is the main question.
VAV system has many merits such as energy saving and comfort, so it's a kind of quite promising air-conditioning system.
The multivariable model of the VAV system is established, which is the fundamental of the mathematical analysis of systems.
Presents the HVAC design for Shanghai Cross Ocean International Plaza, especially design of the double-skin facade ventilation and VAV system.
In this paper, the control structure, control project and control strategy of the CAV and VAV system in intelligent buildings are analyzed in detail.
This paper analysis the energy saving mechanism of frequency converted regulating speed ventilator, and some energy consumption computing methods of supply air filter in VAV system.
This article compared the control method of VAV air-conditioning system with that of CAV air-conditioning system, discussed the advantages of the VAV system as well as its development prospect.
The application of intelligent control in VAV air conditioning system is beneficial to solve the problem of control technology.
Some concepts such as using VAV Box and monitor system for important mechanical and electrical equipments with no controlling functions are proved to be very effective.
Research of VAV Air-Conditioning System Control Theory.
The energy models of TAC system and traditional variable air volume (VAV) air-conditioning system are developed for the chosen building model.
Last but not least, we made a linkage control of the multi-zone VAV air conditioning system.
The paper applies the Adaline PID controller to decouple and control the AHU part of VAV air conditioning system based on the neuron adaptive decoupling control strategy.
论文中应 用了单神经元 自适应PID控制器的概念,并结合神经元 自适应解耦控制的策略,对变风量空调系统的机组部分进行了解耦与控制;
"Li said that the ventilation system is more sophisticated, using the" VAV "system."
Builds a suit of HVAC DAQ and control system which could take precise data acquisition and control water valve, air valve, VAV box, electrical heater, humidifier and other control elements.
Adopts variable air volume (VAV) air conditioning system in the building. Analyses the control strategies for fresh air supply.
Study on optimal energy control of VAV air-conditioning system based on on-line indoor thermal comfort control;
Study on optimal energy control of VAV air-conditioning system based on on-line indoor thermal comfort control;