The Prius Plug-in has an estimated electric vehicle cruise range per charge of 26.4 kilometers (16 miles), according to Toyota.
Uranus is nearly three billion kilometers from the sun and Earth, thus traveling there, and back, requires a high-speed vehicle.
The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, headquartered in Daejeon, about 150 kilometers from Seoul, is working on a vehicle it calls "OLEV."
The Harop is a vehicle-launched UAV controlled by a remote operator with a 51-pound warhead and capable of flying more than 1,000 kilometers and loitering for hours.
Article 58 When a motor wheel chair vehicle of a disabled person or an electric bicycle is running within the non-motor vehicle lane, the maximum speed per hour shall not exceed 15 kilometers.
The six legs of the AT-TE move the low-built vehicle at speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour.
Yes. If the vehicle is mechanically capable of going to 1 million kilometers, we will expect the same results with Mobil 1.
When a vehicle has increased its speed to more than 60 kilometers per hour on the ramp of an expressway, it may directly enter the carriageway.
The Automotive X Prize is focused on developing a vehicle that can get 100 miles per gallon, or 43 kilometers per liter.
Generally speaking, when the vehicle is traveling 60 thousand to 80 thousand kilometers, the generator should be repaired.
The average distance traveled per vehicle per year is 19,000 kilometers.
Then, once the vehicle had ascended to high-Earth orbit, above about 800 kilometers, the nuclear reactor module would detach from the chemical rocket and start up.
The AAT requires a crew of four battle droids to operate: a commander, a pilot, and two gunners. The vehicle has a maximum speed of 55 kilometers per hour.
For the reduction of vehicle-kilometers, the paper discusses the smart growth in urban planning, improvement of public transit and bike sharing system in Taipei and Taichung.
For the reduction of vehicle-kilometers, the paper discusses the smart growth in urban planning, improvement of public transit and bike sharing system in Taipei and Taichung.