Eduardo Marturet is a Venezuelan conductor and composer represented by Tempo Primo.
A miracle of Cuban know-how and Venezuelan oil money.
Venezuelan aid has boosted economic growth (see chart 1).
But the Venezuelan animals may not be so pleased with the deal.
So there are no e-mails from Venezuelan officials on his computer.
Since then, the Venezuelan economy has undergone a transformation.
The United States has long been the main foreign market for Venezuelan oil.
Venezuelan leader Hugo Chávez has a reported one million Twitter followers.
We will keep selling to them, but we can no longer depend on the Venezuelan market.
Venezuelan crude, much of which is heavy (meaning viscous), currently sells for around half that figure.
THE Venezuelan constitution guarantees citizens the right to "timely, accurate and impartial information".
He also claimed that the bazookas had been stolen from a Venezuelan naval base in 1995, though provided no proof.
A survey published in a Venezuelan newspaper suggests kidnappings in the country rose to unprecedented levels last year.
The large majority of our children belong, as I already mentioned, to the most vulnerable strata of the Venezuelan population.
But among the wealthier Venezuelan Indians who lived in cities and were only lightly infected with worms, 43 percent had allergies.
The Venezuelan delegation's visit is part of a tour to OPEC and non-OPEC countries to coordinate and discuss oil market conditions.
The claim that chavez has brought tangible benefits to the Venezuelan poor has indeed by now become commonplace, even among his critics.
Crime has been the main worry of Venezuelan voters ever since the kidnap and murder of three teenage brothers in 2006 dramatised the problem.
On October 25th the Venezuelan subsidiary of Owens-Illinois, an American glass maker, became the 200th business nationalised so far this year.
十月廿五日,美国玻璃制造商owens - Illinois在委内瑞拉的子公司,成为今年迄目前为止第二百家被收归国有的企业。
Then there are the ferries that link the Venezuelan mainland with the offshore island of Margarita, the country's most popular tourist destination.
Hugo Chávez has closed a Venezuelan television network, 32 radio stations and two local television channels by refusing to renew their licences.
Venezuelan officials accuse the firm of economic harassment after Exxon won a court order in Europe freezing $12 billion in Venezuelan assets abroad.
委内瑞拉有关官员指责埃克森美孚石油公司进行经济骚扰。 此前,埃克森美孚在欧洲获得一项法庭令,冻结委内瑞拉在海外价值120亿美元的资产。
Proud Venezuelan baseball men, who see their chief Latin American rival in the sport as a far less developed country, take this as a slap in the face.
On the way home he dropped in on Spain's leaders just as Repsol, a Spanish company, announced the discovery of a big natural-gas field in Venezuelan waters.
Pop singer Mariah Carey was born on March 27, 1970 in Huntington, N.Y. to an Irish-American opera singer mother and an African-Venezuelan engineer father.
1970年3月27日,流行音乐歌手玛利亚·凯莉(Mariah Carey)出生在纽约亨廷顿的一个家庭中,她的母亲是一个有着爱尔兰血统的美国歌剧演员,而他的父亲则是一个有着非洲-委内瑞拉血统的工程师。
Pop singer Mariah Carey was born on March 27, 1970 in Huntington, N.Y. to an Irish-American opera singer mother and an African-Venezuelan engineer father.
1970年3月27日,流行音乐歌手玛利亚·凯莉(Mariah Carey)出生在纽约亨廷顿的一个家庭中,她的母亲是一个有着爱尔兰血统的美国歌剧演员,而他的父亲则是一个有着非洲-委内瑞拉血统的工程师。