In the center of each gallery is a ventilation shaft, bounded by a low railing.
A fire rages out of control from a ventilation shaft at the Pike River Mine in Greymouth, New Zealand.
There was a family of cats on the rooftop there, making their home in the ventilation shaft.
These tunnels have been equipped with the advanced jet and axial shaft ventilation systems, and alarm and monitoring systems. And also a new light source has been employed.
This is the ventilation shaft through which air leaves a mine.
Meanwhile skewed slots in rotator, changing the number of parallel circuits of stator windings and optimization of ventilation circuit and shaft structure are also used.
Retrograde ventilation is used for Wangjiazhai coal mine, both air leakage and ventilation resistance of the main shaft are largish.
The importance for the mine to strengthen the maintenance of the air return way and the points needing attention in designing and allocating the ventilation shaft are pointed out.
The paper introduces the project of the fire model experimentation about the shaft ventilation model to the Qinling-Zhongnanshan highway tunnel.
When a tactical air strike struck the building beside it, experimental failures were propelled into the ventilation shaft; apparently killing everyone inside.
Mine, the causes of natural thermal potential difference in return air in main shaft and its influence on mine ventilation system and the control methods.
The model can simulate operation conditions of the tunnel and solve key technical problems of ventilation shaft.
This text introduces the application of theodolite in the directional measure technique in Qidong ventilation shaft.
Through ex-ample of lowering ventilation resistance in Nanfeng shaft, application process is introduced with graphic method.
Finally, it is shown that with proper design of the smoking shaft, dynamic smoke pressure can be enhanced and the efficiency of smoke ventilation improved.
In this paper, the relation between skip shaft and mine ventilation is discussed.
Equipped with a ladder into the air shaft, the drainage pipes, duct pressure, fire sprinkler pipe and power cables for safety into the ventilation shaft and exports;
Equipped with a ladder into the air shaft, the drainage pipes, duct pressure, fire sprinkler pipe and power cables for safety into the ventilation shaft and exports;