The operation is very easy, just two steps, make check file and verify check file.
Scientists always check statements and make experiments carefully and objectively to verify them.
If you use this modifier, your table will be placed in check pending state following the load operation, to give you the opportunity to verify the integrity of the new data.
The second check is the opposite subset relationship, meaning that you must verify that every user in the CM group has a counterpart in the repository group.
So where do I check in code that I believe is done, but need to verify before checking in to the trunk?
You will need to check and verify the actual port Numbers your environment is using, since they can be altered.
Members are asked to check each other's identity on their passports, and encouraged to verify their location by making a small credit card contribution to the site.
Generally if you take online classes at a large state university, the courses and credits will be comparable but always check to verify this.
Note: Please check with MQ support to verify the Settings, since MQ might change from time to time.
Check the live system periodically to verify that all expected log files and other artifacts are still being written as expected.
Check with your legal department to verify that the license works for you.
Use the WRKDSKSTS command to check the disk configuration and to verify that the disk utilization (% busy) is below the recommended threshold of 30%.
使用WRKDSKSTS命令检查磁盘配置,检查磁盘利用率(%忙)是否低于建议的 30%。
If you develop PHP applications and publish them to an ISP, you may need to check with your ISP to verify that SOAP extensions will be enabled for you when they upgrade.
Security probes that verify a database ACL against a predetermined configuration and that check for inconsistencies in security configurations across multiple servers.
Accordingly, I add a check to verify whether CLZZ is null, as shown in Listing 3.
Basic sanity check: Verify Node 1 is up and working.
While Verve is written in C# for convenient automatic compilation to TAL, a second check is still performed to verify type safety.
When an API method like claim is invoked, an authorization check is performed to verify whether this user is allowed to perform the action.
With this code in place, the server will check each request to verify that the Request-Token header exists and has the same value as the session ID.
这段代码就绪后,服务器将检查每个请求,验证Request - Token头部存在并拥有与会话id相同的值。
The dashboard can also be used as a health check tool to verify connectivity and results when testing the actual Web services.
You should always set BuildRoot in your spec file and check the contents of that directory to verify what is going to be installed by the package.
Verify the XML output result: Select Map => View run results from the menu bar. In the pop-up window, check #1 XML
验证XML输出结果:在菜单栏选择Map =>Viewrunresults。
Next, to verify that the nweb server is running, use the ps command to check it
You should also check the other side of the boundary, -1, to verify that you get the expected IllegalArgumentException, rather than an integer.
还应该检查边界的另一边- 1,以验证可以得到期望的IllegalArgumentException,而不是一个整数。
Naturally, I also write a quick test case to verify my check actually averts NullPointerExceptions, as shown in Listing 4.
For example, they can help you test your custom Exception class, verify that your datatype's Equals & GetHashCode are consistent, and check IList invariants.
Our main interest at this stage though is in the mediation that we developed, so at this point you should check your WebSphere SystemOut logfile to verify that the mediation was executed successfully.
In order to confirm and verify that SAP and Oracle are not impacted by the migration, check the Oracle alert log for any errors.
DDM comes with three out-of-the-box security probes that check the Server document, Server Configuration document, and Person documents to verify that the Settings meet best practices.
DDM comes with three out-of-the-box security probes that check the Server document, Server Configuration document, and Person documents to verify that the Settings meet best practices.