Still, from a current perspective, some aspects of Airbus' "Concept Plane" sound so utopian, it seems only a descendent of Jules Verne could have conceived of them.
When writer Jules Verne published an adventure novel about a trip to the moon, his readers thought the story was pure fantasy.
It's an island of Jules Verne-like vistas, where giant eagles soar, rare seashells litter quiet beaches, and exotic orchids bloom in dark mahogany forests.
Royce Claridon’s address was an antiques shop—books and furniture—the front window filled with Jules Verne volumes from the early part of the twentieth century.
Jules Verne knew it - the center of the Earth is packed with heat energy.
Locals soon called it "l 'ile mysterieuse" - the mysterious island - after the novel by Jules Verne.
Jules Verne died in 1905, long before any of his dreams came true.
Launched by rocket, the Jules Verne USES a mixture of GPS and lasers to navigate its own way to the space station and dock with it.
Jules Verne was born and raised in the port of Nantes.
It first took those doyens of nineteenth-and twentieth-century science fiction, Jules Verne and H. G. Wells, to show us just how driven their imagined scientists could be.
Jules Verne, Mark Twain, Galileo, Newton — all the curious from the ages would have wanted to be alive most of all right now.
It's named after the great writer Jules verne and is inspired by his epic story20000leagues under the sea.
Some years ago — it might have been in 1984 — I told a friend of my growing delight in Jules Verne, and how I'd so much like to own one of his books in its original format.
许多年前 –大概是1984年,我对一位朋友说我越来越喜欢儒勒·凡尔纳,以及我多么想拥有一本他的作品的原版书。
What do you know about Jules Verne?
What do you know about Jules Verne?