The half vertex angle was determined by particulate solid and hopper materials.
The'standard' massive flow silos designed with certain half vertex angle was only suitable for a little part of particulate solid.
As in art, design a user spends lines, the design of a vertex Angle spends Kok decorated it with the entire room trying, the revitalization of the indoor atmosphere.
Find the cosine of the Angle between the vertex normal and the newly calculated vertex to light normal.
Based on the 3d data of vertex, edges and planes, which are obtained from the tri Angle projection of a plane body, the calculation method of the plane body formation is hence worked out.
A new re-triangulation method based on normalized minimum-vertex-distance was presented to avoid long and thin triangles, and it considered the vertex distance and the interior Angle of triangle.
A new re-triangulation method based on normalized minimum-vertex-distance was presented to avoid long and thin triangles, and it considered the vertex distance and the interior Angle of triangle.