Light can be trusted to curve only in a vertical plane.
Keep striving to align your arms legs and torso together in one vertical plane.
This paper introduces a planar motion mechanism(PMM) in vertical plane of SJTU.
The multivariable control for submarines maneuvering in vertical plane is discussed.
There are two horns in the horizontal plane, and two staggered in the vertical plane.
So, that gives me a slice of my graph by a vertical plane, and the slice has a certain slope.
In the vertical plane, it should be located on the highest point of the real-world object.
The characteristics of echo from a inclined plane and from a vertical plane are different.
This mobility, reduced to the vertical plane, is unsatisfactory in a scraper chain conveyor.
The receptive array with directivity in the vertical plane has weight effect on the incident wave.
AEB-1 was the first collider where beams circulated and collided with one another in the vertical plane.
AEB - 1是第一台实现电子束循环并使之在垂直面上互相碰撞的对撞机。
The Angle between a linear feature and a horizontal line in a vertical plane containing both lines.
Device used to move automatic guns in a vertical plane. A reversing or reciprocating drive system provides motion.
That is, for example, what we do when we look at, say, a horizontal plane or a vertical plane or a sphere or a cylinder.
Flush panel mounting on a vertical plane Mounting may be inclined downward up to 30 degrees from a horizontal plane.
Without the horizontal plane for placement, a smoker can very conveniently fix the hanging ashtray to a vertical plane.
A tennis ball in class like this, then the whole trajectory is... the whole trajectory is in one plane in the vertical plane.
A method of determining the highness of an ideal object by beam scanning in the vertical plane and amplitude comparison.
And now, you should imagine that you have this thing that when you slice it by a vertical plane, looks like a downward sparabola.
Already slight deviations are enough to drive the image into gray and to falsify color fidelity, in particular on the vertical plane.
In profile, the forehead and muzzle touch on the same vertical plane of a right Angle whose horizontal plane is the top of the skull.
First: the position of the first bolt invariably leads to a greater Angle in the rope as the belayer stands away from the vertical plane.
So, if you slice these things by a vertical plane, or actually even better, a vertical half plane, something to delete one half of the picture.
The angle between pinhead and dispensing surface is adjustable, which enables dispensing onto inwall, extine, "L" vertical plane of workpieces.
In order to study the variation of the stiffness, the variance ratio of the stiffness within the same horizontal or vertical plane is computed.
The thesis makes a main study of submarines' depth and pitch control in vertical plane and researches on submarines' equilibria control performance.
In addition, t, he hardness of foam is be adjusted by changing the air mixing proportions. Thus the foam adsorbability is improved in the vertical plane.
The key to Silent Feet is slowly and simultaneously to contact the wall's vertical plane and the foothold's horizontal aspect - so visually track the movement.
The key to Silent Feet is slowly and simultaneously to contact the wall’s vertical plane and the foothold’s horizontal aspect — so visually track the movement.
The reason may be that vertical rigidity is usually dismissed as small rigidity values of longitudinal connecting bars count little in the vertical plane.