A very few do jump out of the net, making a big splash in the water.
There are thousands of earthquakes in New Zealand every year but very few do any damage.
Nearly all intermediate swimmers think they are exhaling correctly - at least, that's what they say when we ask them. Do they? Very few do.
I usually do a few very rough sketches before I start on a painting.
I think it is safe to say that very few students expend the effort to do quality work in school.
That's because very large animals have a slow rate of reproduction, so all you have to do is remove a few young females from the herd, and you can, fairly quickly, significantly reduce the population.
And I absolutely hated pushups because from a very young age I always had the weakest upper body in my peer group and could never do more than a few pushups or pullups.
Some are experiencing benefits, some none and a few worse but what we do know is that challenging basic assumptions about diseases has lead to some very important discoveries.
Also, because of its complexity, it is far more important to do the SuperMemo repetitions every day; it copes very poorly with even a few missed days.
A few of us can, but evolution did not build us to do this for very long.
I’d like to point out that even science is a science, and still very few people can do it, let alone do it well.
It's a culture of 'having it all' and yet very few of us can do this, which is why we get defensive about how we are seen as mothers.
We've met very few people who are doing only what they were hired to do.
Out approach has always been to do business with as few people as we can so we can be very deep with them.
We have very few opportunities, as an international community, to do something that is unquestionably good for every country in the world.
It's just very few people in the world can do it well.
My experience has been that very few feel they do.
We all want to get more things done during the day but very few of us actually manage to do that.
Very few medicines exist in formulations developed specifically for children and those that do often do not reach the children that need them most.
There are very few things in life which you really have to do – so if you’ve ended up with a bunch of goals that other people have set for you, start thinking about what you would really like to do.
There are very few things in life which you really have to do – so if you've ended up with a bunch of goals that other people have set for you, start thinking about what you would really like to do.
Those are just a few very small things that you can do to try to encourage more feedback from your users. What techniques do you use to draw out feedback from your user testing sessions?
How do you do that with an animal — very few places in the world.
But, after a few years I've gotten so used to such things and they're no longer very hard to do.
You can pretty much guess what a computer is going to do next about 90 percent of the time, but human interactions obey very few entirely predictable laws.
We ask hundreds of swimmers this question every year, nearly all of them answer 'yes' but when they jump in the pool and we watch their breathing technique, very few actually do!
We ask hundreds of swimmers this question every year, nearly all of them answer 'yes' but when they jump in the pool and we watch their breathing technique, very few actually do!