We've demonstrated a way to condense these photons down to a very small area and stream them along a special type of waveguide, a device that ACTS like a nanoscale optical fiber.
It is demonstrated that the phase discrepancy caused by optical dispersion of this new kind sensor head is very small and its influence on measurement can be ignored, showing practical significance.
A windowed very small aperture laser (VSAL) source for use in high resolution near field optical data storage is fabricated.
So, optical pulse's peak power has to be kept very small. However, when polarization mode dispersion is considered, the nonlinear effect can be balanced.
The very small aperture laser (VSAL) is a important light source used in the near-field optical storage system. So it is necessary for studying the near-field property of VSAL s output light.
While optical fiber Raman laser (RFL) can be a good pump of FRA. The coupling coefficient between FRL and the transmission fiber is very small, so the pump and the amplifier can be compatible easily.
Semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) is very fit for all optical modulation format conversion due to its high nonlinear characteristics, lower switch power and small size.
Hubert Nasse, the lens inside the camera module is composed of five indiyidual aspherical shaped optical elements. This complex shape facilitates very high quality pictures out of a very small device.
Reflective optical systems have small size, light weight and excellent imaging performance, which makes it very popular in space remote sensing systems.
Reflective optical systems have small size, light weight and excellent imaging performance, which makes it very popular in space remote sensing systems.