Always use a NEW VHS tape. Always label the spine!
The VHS player brought movies to people who'd stopped going to movies.
Attempts to correct or mask noise from TV video sources, particularly VHS.
The quality on VHS is not something I think anyone would want to go back to.
The VHS format won the competition. Betamax disappeared from all but professional use.
Finally, all of the audio was cleaned, with most of the ever-present VHS hum reduced.
After years of viewing on VHS, it's like getting eyeglasses and finally being able to see.
This paper analyzes VHS's characteristics, and researches the file system based on the VHS.
The first film to be released on video (DVD/VHS) while it was still being shown in theaters.
Bringing movies into the home via television, VHS and DVD built the industry into what it is today.
More recently, the VHS, or video home system, format has been disappearing as people choose DVD players.
By 2001 - just five years after it was invented - the DVD had caught up with VHS in terms of sales.
SCREENER (SCR) a pre VHS tape, sent to rental stores, and various other places for promotional use.
SCREENER (SCR)是在电影发行VHS录象带之前送到录象出租店及其他地方用做促销目的。
SCREENER (SCR) - A pre VHS tape, sent to rental stores, and various other places for promotional use.
The only things that are on their way to Goodwill are a laundry basket, a planter, and a box set of VHS tapes.
There are many details that I cannot discuss, but all I can say is that TVs are going to be this generation's VHS.
While watching two children on Halloween night, a babysitter finds an old VHS tape in the kids "trick or treat bag."
The author states the source of "culture image" and define it together with the consideration of VHS Chinese education.
That was the case with VCRs, video cassette recorders. During the nineteen eighties, people had two choices: VHS and Betamax.
比如vcr -卡带式录像机的例子,20世纪80年代,人们有两种选择:VHS制式和betamax制式。
The visual differentiation between DVD and VHS was negligible and live TV was the highest quality it had ever been before.
"If you copy a VHS tape 10 times the quality gets really bad," said Mr Prucha, adding that the web had removed these limitations.
The new video—re-created out of a pair of VHS tapes only their owner knew existed—has none of the documentary's production values.
这段老视频是从两个老式录影带拷贝过来的,除了录影带的拥有者,没人知道它们的存在。 这段视频基本不具有任何纪录片的制作效果。
Transfer video from DV and VHS cams to hard drive. Capture video from WEB cameras. Encode video to compact MPEG-2 and save space on your computer.
将视频从DV数码摄像机和VHS摄像机转到硬盘。从网络摄像头捕捉视频。将MPEG - 2视频进行重编码压缩。
VHS-ADC, a high-speed signal processing system based on FPGA, has been applied widely in communication, audio, video and radar signal processing fields.
VHS-ADC, a high-speed signal processing system based on FPGA, has been applied widely in communication, audio, video and radar signal processing fields.
In America each Harry Potter film has been among the top five sellers on DVD and VHS tape, even in years when the films were released in November and December.
Achilles Heel: her mother, whom Sadako protected against vicious reporters. Or, dig out your VHS player and record the latest episode of Eastenders over her.
Achilles Heel: her mother, whom Sadako protected against vicious reporters. Or, dig out your VHS player and record the latest episode of Eastenders over her.