"Vice Chairman" means the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company.
He has been listed in Who's Who in America since 1978 and is Vice Chairman of the Board of the U. S. China Foundation for International Exchange.
If the vice chairman of the board of directors is unable to or fails to perform his duties, the meeting shall be presided over by a director elected jointly by more than half of all the directors.
The chairman and the vice-chairmen shall be chosen through consultation by the parties to the venture or elected by the board of directors.
When a new director, chairman or vice-chairman is appointed, the appointing party shall notify the board of directors and the other party seven (7) days in advance.
The board of directors shall have one chairman and may have a vice chairman.
The board of directors shall have one chairman and may have a vice-chairman.
Zuqiang Yan, vice warden of MinHang District, and Wen Shen, board chairman& GM of Shanghai Zizhu Science-based Industrial Park were present during the meeting.
The board shall have one chairman, and may have one to two vice-chairmen. The manner in which the chairman and vice-chairman are selected shall be prescribed by the articles of association.
Article 113 The board of directors shall have a chairman and one or two vice-chairmen.
The Secretary, under the direction of the Chairman and Vice Chairman, shall arrange for an interpreter to be present at each Board meeting.
Management Personnel and other employees of the Company may attend all or part of any Board meeting at the invitation of the Chairman and Vice Chairman.
The chairman and the vice-chairman (vice-chairmen) shall be determined through consultation by the parties to the venture or elected by the board of directors.
The board of directors has a chairman and may have one vice-chairman if necessary.
The board of directors has a chairman and may have one vice-chairman if necessary.