Several of the employees in the computer department claim to be developing vision problems from having to stare at a video display terminal for about 7 hours a day.
Several of the employees in the computer department, for example, claim to be developing vision problems from having to stare at a video display terminal for about 7 hours a day.
These may be implemented on various types of hardware and usually include a video display terminal.
Objective to study the effect of video display terminal (VDT) on reproductive function of female operators.
And the major factors influencing the intensity of the stress of those working at video display terminal are patience, task strategies, control origin and the index of smoking.
Two design methods and two typical applications one is to display result of image processing, another is to aid for fore terminal video design, are given.
Gigabit Ethernet has been used widely, and support high-speed transmission for massive data. So, it is suitable for the high-speed video data transmission between PC and display terminal.
Gigabit Ethernet has been used widely, and support high-speed transmission for massive data. So, it is suitable for the high-speed video data transmission between PC and display terminal.