If replication is not possible, you can still populate an associated spatial table using the nickname as the source, and join the two in a combined view.
You can save data as XML to import or export, allowing easy table or view data migration.
XMLTABLE: a new SQL function which is designed to view some portion of an XML document as a relational table.
A structured data type can be used as the type for a column in a regular table (Listings 1 and 2), the type for an entire table (or view), or as an attribute of another structured type (Listing 3).
The view can be referenced in the message flow in the same way as the original table.
The SUPLDATA table consists of columns needed to join the data in the table with the task data in the task view, as well as columns needed to order the tasks when they are claimed.
To do this, you first need to determine the tablespace ID and table ID of the table by executing a SELECT statement on the SYSCAT.TABLES catalog view, as shown in Listing 8.
为此,您首先需要在SYSCAT . TABLES目录视图上执行select语句来确定表空间id和表id,如清单8所示。
For example, if you select CPU as the group you want to view, then only mon_vps tasks are shown in the table.
You can also create a View design element and use it as the base for a View control in place of the data table.
The columns selected as the view columns are all the columns defined in the original fact table gosalesdw.sls_sales_fact that was partitioned.
选为视图列的列是在被分区的原始事实表gosalesdw . sls_sales_fact中定义的所有列。
You can format the view either as a table, or as paragraphs.
Instead, use a virtual table with a WHERE clause, or define the join as a view in the data source, and execute the rule on this view.
If the behavior of a state chart is too complicated to present in a diagram, you can view the state chart as a table.
If the remote view contains a complex query, using table-level statistics such as the cardinality for the nickname over the view can be misleading.
Tables and views within the same database must have distinct names, but creating an index with the same name as either an existing table or view is allowed.
This view is used as a special lookup table to determine which scene to play when a particular document type is encountered.
With a UNION ALL view, you are provided information from all branches of the company as if the information were coming from a single table.
RAD Version 6.0 supports mapping a local table -- as well as a read-only table (in the data server view) -- to an EJB.
RAD 6.0版本支持映射一个本地表--也就是一个只读表(在数据服务器视图中)--到一个EJB 。
The table and graph view open as shown below.
A nickname can be defined over a remote view just as it can be defined over a remote table.
As you continue your presentation, you say something that seems to bother the person sitting mid-table, a few seats down to the left of the boss. This guy is in clear view of the boss at all times.
In part 2, you created the view parts and its objects (such as button, text box, and table view).
To publish the transformation as a table, you need to first embed the transformation inside an SQL view and then publish the view as a table, as shown in Figure 7.
如用表格发布,首先将转换嵌入SQ l视图中,然后将视图发布为表格,如图7所示。
The Instance view has four button commands that you can use to create an instance as shown in table 1.
Instance视图具有四个按钮命令,可以使用这些命令来创建实例,如表1 中所示。
The mining view contains only two columns, as shown in Table 2.
The view bean will create and hold the HTML to display the list of errands as a table.
Listing 4 USES Doctrine to perform a query for the records in the books database table, setting the result as a view variable for the IndexSuccessView.
However, at least one column of any table or view must be identified to the JDBC data mediator service as the "primary key."
You can query the custom property using the predefined BPC database view PROCESS_ATTRIBUTE as shown in Table 1.
Working with a table, a view, or a procedure, you can expose these objects as Web service operations directly from the Server Explorer in the Microsoft Visual Studio environment.