The Western view of time and space is always space for clues to the main line of science and truth, the pursuit of the liberation of humanity.
This story is solely from my own personal perspective and I'm sure that I may have a somewhat distorted view of time and space (which keeps getting worse at my age).
The view on storage and flow movement is normally objectified in terms of costs, time, space, etc.
To make a comparison to the space-time view of the Kant and the Locke, not only can better understand Kant philosophy, also can better understand Locke philosophy for modern empiricism philosophy.
Twelve time notc and dou-jian in ancient China, similarly, it is also belonged to united point of view about time-space.
Victor weaves an unbelievably believable tale which unites ideas about space, time, numbers, and nature into a new view of Music as a living, breathing being.
If the point of view of evolution and information is introduced to inspect of space-time structure relation, we will discover a complexity relation of space-time of concrete fusion of inherent.
The axis and multidimensional research structure about transportation safety is established from the view of space-time.
There are four key points: the arrangement of point of view, there is narrative circular structure, interveined and leaping narrative space and time, the choice of narrative images.
Based on it, we doa deep research on the space distribution and time distribution from the view of term frequency, mutual information and word similarity.
By the view of space and time in the Relative Theory of Narrow Sense, discuss the two confusing physical concept; observe and survey, and analyse the difference between them.
Chapter three analyses the author's multi-artistic techniques and the point out the key effect of jump of time and space as well as multiply point of view on the presentation of athanasia.
This is definitely some type of secret space program weapon technology being used. The secret space program war is in full affect and this time in full view.
Perceptual space is the view of things at a particular time and from a fixed position.
Therefore, we can provide a new perspective and some theoretical references on the extension of contemporary Film Aesthetics and the research on space-time view of human beings in digital age.
The Subjective space-time View regarded time and space as a person's inherent in the form of innate knowledge, abandoned the objective nature of space-time.
From a policy point of view, it is recommended to provide sufficient time and space security.
Newton's absolute space-time point of view and Einstein's relativity theory of space-time point of view both are simple static space-time points of view.
Chapter three analyses the author "s multi-artistic techniques and the point out the key effect of jump of time and space as well as multiply point of view on the presentation of athanasia."
Chapter three analyses the author "s multi-artistic techniques and the point out the key effect of jump of time and space as well as multiply point of view on the presentation of athanasia."