Customers can open accounts, browse for items to purchase, view product details, and place orders.
The user wants to initially view the report with details which show all the product names and prices but then wants to switch to view a summary report showing just categories and total prices.
You begin with the Product Details page so your users can view it from anywhere on the site without leaving the "funnel."
首先从Product Details页面开始,让您的用户可以从站点的任何地方查看产品,而无需离开主购买路径。
If the detailed view (" Show Details "link above the search results) is activated, the field values (the detected product Numbers) are also visible.
The company also announced an eBay site redesign intended to improve auction search results while making it easier to view product photos and details about the auction.
Product Details-Each product variant (represented as items) will have a detailed view that displays the product description, a product image, price, and the quantity in stock.
The test data is passed to the view that we associated with the action method, and the view creates a simple list of the details for each product.
View our product literature for more details.
View our product literature for more details.