Viper Sting will now restore 9 Focus every 3 seconds.
Thus explaining why Viper Sting is such a crucial factor in defeating Paladins.
Have no fear Hunters: no decent Hunter should ever lose to a caster as long as they have Viper Sting.
猎人们不用畏惧:没有一个优秀的猎人会在一个施法者被使用VIPER STING后输掉战斗。
I find that using Serpent Sting I can solo caster MOBS faster than if I use Viper Sting to leech their mana first. Used vs.
Venomous Mana (Glyph Passive) - Empowers a Greater Glyph to grant your Viper Sting ability an additional 15% chance to resist dispel effects.
Glyphs: I was using the serpent sting, steady shot, and hunters mark glyph. Mana was a non issue so I didn't consider the aimed shot, or aspect of the viper glyphs.
Glyphs: I was using the serpent sting, steady shot, and hunters mark glyph. Mana was a non issue so I didn't consider the aimed shot, or aspect of the viper glyphs.