Secondary outcome measures were end of treatment virological response, biochemical response, histological response, and adverse events.
Entecavir treatment for chronic hepatitis B: Adaptation is not needed for the majority of naive patients with a partial virological response...
Standard of care resulted in sustained virological response (SVR) rates of 38% and 81% in treatment-experienced and treatment-naïve patients, respectively.
These patients have a high likelihood of SVR (Sustained Virological Response) - probably 70-80% - and in the absence of any contraindications of therapy they are very good candidates.
This will comprise of direct antiviral drugs such as protease inhibitors along with peg-Interferon and ribavirin. This can provide a sustained virological response in over 70% of patients.
This will comprise of direct antiviral drugs such as protease inhibitors along with peg-Interferon and ribavirin. This can provide a sustained virological response in over 70% of patients.