Argon emitted blue and green light, krypton several other colours, and mixing the two gases made a laser that could emit across the visible spectrum.
In the new study, the physicists shot xenon atoms with FLASH, an X-ray laser that USES intense photons in the extreme ultraviolet energy range, about forty times the energy of visible light.
The pumping light wave and the laser oscillation wave are determined by the ultraviolet-visible absorption spectra and fluorescence spectra, respectively.
To analyze the effective jamming distance of combined fiber laser to visible light silicon CCD, the power of combined laser and saturation threshold of visible light silicon CCD are discussed.
In this paper, a type of visible laser driver with numerically controlled power and modulation monitoring the average light power is presented.
Tank commander panoramic sight is a multi-function optoelectronic system in which visible light, laser and low-level light is fused for aiming and ranging.
Under the action of ultrashort laser pulses the measurement of photoemissive quantum yield is different from that under the action of normal visible light.
The apparatus that combined light fiber and image fiber could provide visible image of inside bodies and could guide laser exactly to focus.
In the encapsulation system, adopting visible light system for orientation show which solve the coaxial issue of infrared laser with visible light.
Although silicon looks opaque to visible light, the material is amazingly transparent to infrared light and silicon structures can be constructed that can guide and modify infrared laser light.
Experimental results show that the fiber laser can achieve visible light output in high efficiency.
Experimental results show that the fiber laser can achieve visible light output in high efficiency.